Thanks for submitting YOUR HD InfoText SCREEN to InfoChammel.

You’ll need to already be a registered InfoArtist.  If not sign up HERE.


  • InfoScreen Checklist: 1. Is the screen a 1920x1080 png or jpg image? 2. Does it follow the guidelines set forth in the InfoChammel GOIDER design doc (part of the design kit)? 3. Is there any reason your screen might be problematic for television broadcast? 4. By submitting your screen, you agree that the content is not intended to harm or defame anyone, does not violate someone else's copyright, and you agree to fully indemnify InfoChammel from any damages that might occur as a result of your screen. You also agree to fully allow InfoChammel Networks and is related entities, the full non-exclusive worldwide rights to display this screen in their content for the next 11,000 years. Remember: Any offensive content will be censored but still broadcast. No personal phone numbers or personal information please. A MAKEASCREEN cannot be advertising, except for non-profit art etc ventures. INFOCHAMMEL can refuse an ad for any reason. Once your screen is approved for Chammelcast, we will notify you and the amount of colors specified in the current ICC Colors Exchange Chart for you screen submission will be applied to your account.
