InfoChammel Premieres “4 Cats Only”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 7/29/16 La Crescenta, CA InfoChammel Montrose Content Release Division Tonight alternative HDTV Network, INFOCHAMMEL premiered  “4 Cats Only” a unique HD InfoText show which provides positive frequencies and subliminal HyperLearning to common house cats. The material has been designed to be effective whether or not the cat or cats are paying attention and do not even need to be in the same room as the HDTV screen. Chief Technologist Fred Furner stated “This is just the beginning- be on the lookout for other species specific programming in …


7/26/16 Anaheim, CA InfoChammel Orange Co. District HQ Pipper Tangswayner of InfoChammel’s Anaheim, CA office announced today the immediate launch of MAKEASCREEN and MAKEASHOW, both offerings a part of InfoChammel’s new participatory program.  Subscribers are now able to officially register as InfoChammel InfoArtists, and receive a “Designers Infotext Creation Kit”, which consists of a InfoArtist GOIDER design document/rule book, 8bit font package, InfoArtist Pledge of Commitment and multiple Adobe After Effects sample projects.  There are currently no restrictions on who can be eligible to become an official InfoArtist, and the …


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 7/26/16 Toronto, CA InfoChammel NorthNorth CA HQ Global alternative internet television network INFOCHAMMEL announced today their BUYASCREEN global TV messaging and advertising program.  For a small fee, users can purchase an InfoScreen to place their positive thoughts, sayings and/or classified ads to then be included into the permanent rotation on INFOCHAMMEL for the duration of the network (up to 11,000 years).  There are 2 types of BUYASCREENS: POWERSCREEN, for non-advertising, positive messaging; and CLASSIFRIED X, for simple classified advertisements. Each screen is a unique digitally handmade artistic commission, and does not …

INFOCHAMMEL.COM Web Portal Relaunch!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 7/25/16 Alta Dena, CA InfoChammel HDTV Networks announced their new vastly improved world wide web portal, WWW.INFOCHAMMEL.COM which launches this Wednesday 7/27 to great anticipation of it’s supporters.  Viewers can now officially subscribe to InfoChammel, get all the latest breaking ChammelNews and LIVE Chammelback, take advantage of InfoChammel’s new participatory InfoArtist programs MAKEASCREEN and MAKEASHOW, Track ICC colors exchange rates and purchase InfoScreens and InfoShirts in the InfoStore. For more Info: Visit or Contact: Pillie Incronolon, Lt. Gov. IC-NetPortal at ChammelNet Web Services:  


7/18/16 Los Angeles, CA InfoChammel North American HQ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE InfoChammel EastWest Lead Information Manager Hals Whibford released a memo praising the network’s supporters for the previous months engagement, mentioning that InfoChammel’s Subscriber base had increased by a staggering 1400% in June/July.  We received over 247,000 minutes streamed on Amazon Prime, Over 247,000 plays on Vimeo, over 247,000 plays on YouTube, and over 3,347 Chammel installs on the Roku set-top TV box.  InfoChammel Marti Maffles commented “It’s been our best month ever since the Network was acquired in 2012. for …